Thursday, January 25, 2024

Music Marketing Blog post 1 - Vanessa Goetz

Music Marketing                       Vanessa Goetz p. 8

    Throughout the course of our music marketing project I am the member of the group that has done the majority of research and planning leading up to what we have currently completed. Our brainstorming began on the day we found our song and we all agreed on a storyline involving some sort of love spell. While Nadia and Zain are focused on filming the video I still played a great role in contributing to the story line of our video. As a group we decided when creating our story boards each person would be in charge of 7 boards and allowed to do what they please as long as it is appropriate. This ensured we all took part in brainstorming for the project and diminished the possible problems that could come along if we would have had one person create the entire storyboard. Below you can see each of our three story boards. (1) Zain Vidal (2) Nadia Hernandez (3) Vanessa Goetz. 

    Once storyboards were completed we made some changes in class and established who we could use as characters in the filming process. Our research began when we were trying to find artists in the same genre of music and recognize what traits make them stand out. Now, upon beginning our brand we knew our singer needed to be a male as the voice in the song is a male. As a group of all girls we knew this would be a challenge for us but ultimately agreed on finding a friend that is willing to be the brand and act in our music video. 

    After finding "our guy" we decided to brainstorm what his personality would be like so that we could develop his brand. I started our presentation around the colors black, white, and red and we decided that would match his aesthetic. We needed to make sure there was a clear "vibe" or aesthetic surrounding our artist similar to how Taylor Swift is often times remembered through sparkles and glitter in multiple colors and Nicki Minaj is represented by the color pink and calls her fans "Barbs" for Barbie. We knew our artist should be relatively young as the main target audience in most sub categories of rock is young people to middle aged. 

    Analyzing our target audience is what began the brainstorming and planning process for how my group would market our artist. Because we decided on creating a male figure we decided on the following social media platforms: Twitter and Facebook. Because he would be a relatively new artist he won't have much content on social media other than dates and locations of where he is performing. Additionally, we began to brainstorm ideas for merchandise that he could sell including guitar picks and t-shirts. This merch would be made only in the colors discussed above and will be sold at all of his live events. Additionally, I began to jot down notes about our character and traits that would help to develop his personality including his educational background and where he performs. 

Guitar pick idea: 

Notes document: 

Film Opening

 Hey blog!!!!! It's finally the last time I'll be saying that and although I am relieved to be done with this project it is also bit...